Nationals at THE RANCH in Loveland, CO!


July 15-19, 2015


The Ranch in Loveland, Co




Complete Equestrian Vaulters is REALLY looking forward to Nationals this year!  We are hoping to have many friends and family around to see us compete and perform.  We will have 14 vaulters competing over 3 days.

CEV Scheudule:

Thursday, July 16, 2015
Time Vaulter(s) Horse Lunger/Side Walker Class Arena
8:59 Dot Chunky Bublitz Prelim Comps Red
9:10 Al, Jerica Fantasia Nicole Prelim Comps Red
9:38 Sydney Fantasia Nicole Trot Comps Red
10:19 Simonds Fantasia Nicole Masters Comps Blue
10:48 Michaela, Addy, Shea, Marshall Chunky Nicole Trot Comps Red
11:16 Kinsey Chunky Simonds TT Comps Red
11:36 Kat Fantasia Nicole Copper Comps Blue
11:34 Sydney, Michaela, Shea, Marshall Chunky Bublitz 2 Phase Comps Red
11:41 Jerica, Allyson, Addy, Dot Annie Nicole 2 Phase Comps Red
1:24 Ila, Willow, Maddy Chunky Simonds/Jerica Novice Trot Comps Red
2:12 Jer, Syd, Al, Michaela, Shea, Dot Chunky Bublitz Trot Team Comps Blue
2:32 Ila, Willow, Maddy Chunky Simonds/Addy Novice Free Red
4:08 Willow, Maddy Barrel Syd Novice Barrel Free White
4:24 Maddy/Kinsey Barrel Syd Novice PDD Barrel White
6:00 Awards and BBQ
Friday, July 17th, 2015
Time Vaulter(s) Horse Lunger/Side Walker Class Arena
8:00 Simonds Annie Nicole Masters Free Blue
8:38 Jer, Syd, Al, Michaela, Shea, Dot Annie Nicole Trot Team Free Red
8:50 Syd, Addy Annie Nicole Trot PDD Red
9:26 Michaela, Shea, Marshall Chunky Nicole Trot Free Red
10:19 Sydney Annie Nicole Trot Free Red
11:03 Addy Fantasia Nicole Trot Free Red
11:17 Kinsey Chunky Simonds/Sydney TT Free Red
11:34 Jerica, Al Annie Nicole Prelim Free Red
11:49 Dot Chunky Bublitz Prelim Free Red
12:22 Kat Annie Nicole Copper Free Blue
1:25 Kat and Rach Barrel Canter PDD White
2:56 Jer, Al, Addy, Dot (Yang) Barrel 2 Phase White
3:02 Syd, Michaela, Shea, Marshall (Yin) Barrel 2 Phase White
3:20 Kinsey Barrel TT Free White
Saturday, July 18th, 2015
Time Vaulter(s) Horse Lunger/Side Walker Class Arena
1:08 Kat and Rach Annie Nicole Prelim PDD Free White
6:00 Awards

More Information:

Go to the American Vaulting Association website!